What happens when you go before an administative law judge in a hearing for a disability claim for mental stuf?

Question by hunter: What happens when you go before an administative law judge in a hearing for a disability claim for mental stuf?
What happens when you go before an administative law judge in a hearing for a disability claim for mental stuff, ptsd, add, mild retardation, some physical, peptic ulcers, heartburn, acid reflux and asthma? I know somebody that is going and they want my advise on how to handel it and what happens. They have a lawer. They are really nervious please tell me what happens if you can. Do they talk to you or just the lawer?

Best answer:

Answer by sunnny
The record all audio/visual and tell you they have an “expert witness”. When I was told that, I said, ” Well, if this doctor is an expert, I want him for my doctor!”, I also told my attorney for SSDi< I'm not looking for a job. The "expert witness" was not present, but they do send the person notification that they may be in the court room, mine was done by phone, got disconnected and they didn't call him back. So funny. The judge asks a few questions, they can make you wait and they do record you in the waiting area, too. I waited over 2 and 1/2 hours for my 11am appt done at 1pm. Not happy with that. Your friend should get a handicapped plaquard from DMV if eligible/drives. Just need a docs signature for the simple one, respiratory type. (ie, no wheelchairs or other equipment required) If your friend has PTSD, military related, he/she should contact the VA for disability benefits, too. There is a rehab person there and a psychologist. If your friend has an atty for an SSDI claim, they must have waited the time period and are eligible for the disability if they can not work. go to socialsecurity.gov and review disability claims. With asthma, certain criteria must be met with resp function acc to age etc. the ALJ determines if the claim is legit or if the person can work or be placed in another job, usually one that is minimum wage, many people get disability for depression, hopefully, your friend will get some medical treatment for the "peptic ulcers", but also, some people become worse over time instead of better. Soc Sec can review the case in 3 years or so to determine if still disabled.

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