Question by AHS: How to admit an expert witness in a mock trial case?
I know what expert witnesses are and what they are used for but I do not know how to ask the judge if I can admit them. I know once you give credit towards the witnesses education and/or experities, you say “your Honor, I would like to admit _________ as an expert witness” I need help asking if I can admit the witness by saying it formally…any information would be great. Thanks
Best answer:
Answer by KC V ™
Well…to start…as a part of “discovery” your expert witness should already be subpoenaed and as such you would only need to call him to testify from the court room.
Also…you’re not “admitting” him but “calling” him to testify. As an example “The defense now calls Mr. Expert to the stand.”
It would then be up to the defense or prosecution to voir dire him/her as an expert!
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