3 Quick Tips for Awesome Video Watching

3 Quick Tips for Awesome Video Watching

Get familiar with our website and learn how to maximize your time to find what you want

Tip #1: The Quality Selector

Change depending on the strength of your internet connection.

Tip #2: Jump Forward or Back 10 Seconds

These will show when you mouse over the video

Tip #3 Chapters!

Skip to the section you want


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Alisa Wyatt

About Alisa Wyatt

Alisa has been teaching Pilates since 1999 when she left her high-powered publishing job to spread her passion for Pilates. Realizing there was a need to preserve Joseph Pilates’ original style of teaching, Alisa and her husband Jack Coble, created Pilatesology in 2011 and have since dedicated themselves to recording the work with instructors who remain close to the source.A Pilates purist, Alisa was trained and certified by Pilates legend, Romana Kryzanowska in New York City where she ran her own private studio for a decade before moving home to California. She’s an often-featured expert for Pilates Style Magazine and creator of a series of acclaimed Pilates videos: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Pilates Workout, and Pilates for Men, as well as a sought-after workshop presenter at fitness conferences.When she’s not traveling the globe filming classes with world-renowned instructors for Pilatesology, Alisa spends her time in Hermosa Beach, CA, where she and Jack get outside as much as possible, surfing, hiking and playing. Alisa and Jack believe that Pilates is what allows them to lead active, healthy lives.Alisa’s client list includes Olympic athletes, supermodels and real people who want to look and perform at their absolute best.
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