Loving-Kindness Meditation Can Keep You Young

To control and modify the aging process on our body, mind, and spirit has fascinated humans since the dawn of civilization. It is the source of myths and the realm of science fiction—yet a new medical study shows that the answer may lie within. Minimizing the body’s aging process may be as simple as the everyday practice of the Buddhist technique of Metta, or loving-kindness meditation. At least three studies …

Metta Meditation reduces aging

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Can Mindfulness Alter How We Process Fear?

A fascinating new study has illuminated the potential of mindfulness meditation practices in treating anxiety disorders through fear conditioning therapies. The study by Massachusetts General Hospital shows that mindfulness meditation training can significantly benefit people who suffer from fear and anxiety disorders, and by implication, those who suffer from PTSD and other related conditions. It has long been thought that a positive way to treat people with anxiety disorders is …

mindfulness meditation reduces fear

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Your Students Are Your Teachers

Although we have various reasons for venturing into our Pilates journey, the fire that keeps most of us going is our enthusiasm for the work itself. Sharing this passion with others can result in many things, from love and joy to frustration and despair. An early morning lesson with a Pilates enthusiast can be easily handled, whereas a 6:00 pm session that evening with someone who had a bad day can validate an evening glass (or two) of Pinot Noir.

The post Your Students Are Your Teachers appeared first on The Core.
