The post Leave It At The Door appeared first on The Core.
Recipe: Dairy Free Pesto and Zoodles
The post Recipe: Dairy Free Pesto and Zoodles appeared first on The Core.
Thank you for supporting Girls on the Run
Hi Beauties!
We just wrapped Pilates with a Purpose, a 5-day online Pilates challenge designed to do good and feel good – and I am on cloud 9! It was so much fun to see our community come together to do good. The impact was incredible.
Collectively, we raised $17,000 to donate directly to Girls on the Run International!
Isn’t that amazing? Our donations can send 100+ girls through a 10-week program designed to build confidence, support the next generation of girls, and show girls they can do anything they set their mind to.
Whether you donated, helped spread the word, used the workouts, or just followed along, THANK YOU for being a part of this! We couldn’t do it without you.
And I don’t know about you, but as we go into the holiday season, this inspires me to find ways to pay it forward on a regular basis. There is truly so much JOY to be found in giving.
If you want to join me in this, here are a few fun ideas:
- pay for the person behind you in line at the coffee shop
- leave snacks out for the delivery drivers who work so hard this time of year
- pick up the bill of someone dining at the same restaurant as you (an older couple did this for my husband and I when we were young and barely able to afford a date night – it was so generous and impactful that it brought me to tears!)
- deliver home-baked treats to a neighbor
There are so many fun ways to pay it forward – if you have a favorite random act of kindness, come tell me about it on my latest instagram post!
Want to join our online Pilates community? Sign up to be notifed when we re-open enrollment to the public!
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By signing up, you'll be added to The Balanced Life's email list and will receive regular emails that include inspiration, tips, and special offers to help you build a healthy + balanced lifestyle. We take care of your data in accordance with our privacy policy and you are free to unsubscribe at any time.
The post Thank you for supporting Girls on the Run appeared first on The Balanced Life.
Pilates For When You Don’t Feel Good
Hi Beauties!
Feeling a little under the weather, have low energy, or getting over a cold?
Then this quick Pilates routine is just what you need. This workout is gentle and rejuvenating and perfect for those days when you don’t have much energy, but know you need to move your body.
These gentle exercises will help you release tension, relax, and promote healing to help you get back to yourself as soon as possible!
Check out this gentle Pilates routine over on my YouTube channel today and let me know how it goes!
Revisit this workout anytime you need something relaxing and quick to help you feel better!
PS – Check out my Sick Day Survival Guide for more tips to help you feel your best!
Want to join our online Pilates community? Sign up to be notifed when we re-open enrollment to the public!
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By signing up, you'll be added to The Balanced Life's email list and will receive regular emails that include inspiration, tips, and special offers to help you build a healthy + balanced lifestyle. We take care of your data in accordance with our privacy policy and you are free to unsubscribe at any time.
The post Pilates For When You Don’t Feel Good appeared first on The Balanced Life.
Stroller-lates! Spend Time With Your Baby and Workout!
The post Stroller-lates! Spend Time With Your Baby and Workout! appeared first on The Core.
Music as Motivation
“Music in the soul can be heard by the universe.” – Lao Tzu
The post Music as Motivation appeared first on The Core.
From PhD to Pilates: Giving Back to the Dance Community
When I started taking Pilates lessons in December of 2010, I could never have guessed that becoming a Pilates instructor would bring me back to my dancing roots…
The post From PhD to Pilates: Giving Back to the Dance Community appeared first on The Core.
Your Students Are Your Teachers
Although we have various reasons for venturing into our Pilates journey, the fire that keeps most of us going is our enthusiasm for the work itself. Sharing this passion with others can result in many things, from love and joy to frustration and despair. An early morning lesson with a Pilates enthusiast can be easily handled, whereas a 6:00 pm session that evening with someone who had a bad day can validate an evening glass (or two) of Pinot Noir.
The post Your Students Are Your Teachers appeared first on The Core.
How To Move Your Pilates Equipment (Part 1): Packing Up
Moving your Pilates equipment can be a daunting task. You've invested a lot of money, sweat, and energy in your equipment, so how do you make sure it all makes the journey in one piece?
The post How To Move Your Pilates Equipment (Part 1): Packing Up appeared first on The Core.
PMA Was Pretty Much Awesome
PMA, short for Pilates Method Alliance, should bill itself as Pretty Much Awesome after this last conference in Monterey, CA.
The post PMA Was Pretty Much Awesome appeared first on The Core.