Mednick Associates Reveals Oncologist Search Process: Understanding the Clinical Variations of Oncology Medical Expert Witnesses by Answering 3 Questions

Wilton, CT (PRWEB) June 30, 2014

Legal cases involving oncology matters are bound to be emotionally straining for both the plaintiff and defendant. Since most people know someone who has battled with cancer, professional opinions on oncology cases can easily stray from objective to subjective. As a trial attorney, understanding the nature of the case and identifying the correct expert becomes challenging for this reason.

Mednick Associates, a leading nationwide medical expert witness and legal nurse consulting firm, works with and locates numerous oncologists who are able to provide objective opinions on legal cases in a wide array of oncology specialties. Questions asked during their search and screening process are outlined below:

1.)    Medical or Surgical?

Many oncology cases require a medical and surgical oncologist to review and opine. The difference lies in the specialty. A medical oncologist will opine on the nature of the cancer and the diagnosis, while the surgical oncologist will focus on the surgery related to the cancer. At times, they may disagree, which is why Mednick Associates makes sure to screen the case through both experts in order to present a consolidated opinion to their client.

2.)    What type of oncologist is needed for the case?

Many cancers present in specific parts of the anatomy, and numerous physicians can opine on such diagnoses. However, some diagnoses, like liver cancer, may present as the cancer spreads throughout the body. Knowing the source of the cancer is important. An oncologist who specializes in liver cancer may not be the most appropriate expert for a case where cancer originated elsewhere, even though the patient presents with liver cancer. Mednick Associates’ staff of Registered Nurses (RNs) reviews the pertinent medical records, determines the true source of the cancer, and finds the appropriate oncologist to opine. This saves time and money for Mednick clients by avoiding unnecessary case reviews.

3.)    Is a non-oncologist required?

Many times the damages associated with an oncology case stem from issues caused by the cancer, but out of the realm of an oncologist opinion. Sometimes, endocrinologists, general surgeons, or internal medicine experts are required to opine on subsequent care, treatment, or follow-up procedures.

Mednick Associates handles hundreds of oncology cases per year, whether malpractice, tort, or product liability related. With a network of over 90 oncologists and growing, they are able to screen cases quickly, identify the appropriate oncology expert witness and have a case reviewed for a plaintiff or defense attorney. Their experts are physicians first and only devote a small amount of their practice to legal work. This characteristic of their experts allows for a highly credible expert in the courtroom or deposition. To contact them for further information on oncology or other medical expert specialties, please call 203.966.3000 or reach them online at

Mednick Associates adds new Cardiology Experts to their Nationwide Medical Expert Network

Chicago, IL (PRWEB) May 28, 2014

Mednick Associates, a medical expert witness and legal nurse consulting firm, recently expanded their expert options for cardiologists by including interventional specialists. Specializing in medical experts for litigators who handle medical malpractice, personal injury and other general liability cases, Mednick Associates’ ability to recruit, pre-screen and recommend medical experts serves the needs of litigators nationwide.

Currently, Mednick Associates has over 100 cardiologists throughout the United States who review, opine and testify for both plaintiff and defense attorneys in all types of medical litigation matters. With the recent addition of 4 new board certified cardiology experts, who have completed prestigious fellowships and are widely published, their goal of focusing on expert quality over expert quantity is further achieved.

By providing currently practicing cardiology experts for witness and case opinion work, litigators can proceed with the confidence that Mednick experts are physicians first and experts second. This lends to credibility in the courtroom, something internet-advertising or familiar career experts cannot always deliver.

More information on the new cardiology experts or any other specialties can be found at or by calling 1.800.MEDNICK. Their staff of legal nurse consultants will make sure to pre-screen all cases through the experts prior to any expert recommendation and they are also available for medical record chronologies and case analysis. For direct email communication, they can be reached at cases(at)mednickassociates(dot)com.

A Free Service for Affirmative Action Employers is Announced by Charles R. Mann Associates, Inc.

Washington, DC (PRWEB) November 29, 2012

Charles R. Mann Associates, Inc the leading developer of Affirmative Action Plans designed to meet the requirements of the OFCCP while protecting employers’ interests and exposure, accomplishes these ends by developing and implementing statistically sophisticated procedures and software that are sufficiently flexible to be used by all contractors rather than each “reinventing the wheel.” One such product is their Subcontractor Notification And REporting System (SNARES).

Dr. Mann has announced that SNARES will now be available as a free service to all employers, whether clients or not, This is to coincide with the planned release of the EEO SPECIAL FILE by the EEOC. He estimates that this free service could save each employer hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars in employee time. Notifications will be transmitted by email and documented for reporting purposes. In his words, “Although not literally a free lunch, our SNARES service should free up enough time for HR personnel to enjoy more than a few lunches.”

About Us

Charles R. Mann Associates, Inc has been providing AAP and Employment Discrimination Analysis Services since 1980. Its innovative statistical techniques have been accepted in litigation and regulatory matters and many have ultimately been endorsed and adopted by the OFCCP and the EEOC. They have prepared large AA)Ps for entire state governments and Corporations with thousands of facilities, as well as for small businesses just large enough to be covered. Dr. Mann is a statistician who has testified as an Expert Witness in over one hundred employment and other discrimination matters on behalf of both plaintiffs and defendants.

Weinman & Associates Proudly Introduces Divorce Resort: A Revolutionary Concept In The Peaceful And Dignified Settlement Of Divorce Cases

Austin, Texas (PRWEB) May 29, 2012

Divorce Resort is a brand new concept created as a more peaceful and relaxed way to approach the divorce process. Read more at

The concept is simple: All necessary information is collected by the attorney prior to the weekend. During the weekend, the Divorce Resort attorney mediates all issues of the divorce (including both children and property issues) for the first two days, allowing the couple to take full control over their own future and to brainstorm creative solutions that will fit their unique family. All agreements made regarding their children and their finances are reduced to writing in formal court documents to be entered with their local court after the weekend.

If emotions run high, the Divorce Resort attorney will call a time-out and allow the parties to take advantage of whatever amenities the resort offers to help them calm down, relax and come back to the table.

If there are any issues left after two days of mediating, the Divorce Resort