Fear of Software Upgrades Holding Back Businesses, New Find the Edge Article Says

Manchester (PRWEB UK) 24 April 2013

Refusing to upgrade systems and software could be the ‘worst decision business owners ever make’ a new article on Find the Edge has said.

Lisa Miles, owner of Amethyst Associates Ltd, uses an article on Find the Edge to explain why failing to move with the times can hit profits hard.

Titled, ‘Why Failing to Upgrade Business Software Could Be the Worst Decision You Ever Make,’ Miles highlights the dangers associated with using multiple systems that can’t integrate or communicate.

She said: “As an example, software that lets you send out invoices or statements via email has been around for years. Despite this, many companies insist on doing it the old fashioned way.

“You only have to miss one entry so perhaps a customers address isnt updated in a single crucial location and you have a problem.”

She also identifies other issues, such as a company relying on one individual’s knowledge of how to operate a system. This is dangerous if that individual then leaves the organisation.

To combat problems like these, Miles suggests considering making changes to the core systems in the business.

She said: “You need to consider the long-term return on investment, rather than just the initial costs.

“If you do decide to take on new software, or enhance your existing system, you should be looking for a return on investment within 2 years or less this should be demonstrable and quantifiable.”

The full article can be viewed here: http://www.findtheedge.co.uk/technology/apps-software/why-failing-to-upgrade-business-software-could-be-the-worst-decision-you-ever-make.

Lisa Miles is a business consultant, and also acts as an expert witness. More about her can be read here: http://www.findtheedge.co.uk/expert-panelist/lisa-miles.

Kenny Goodman, founder of Find the Edge, said: “Taking the decision to make costly changes is rarely easy, but acting early can lead to huge savings and boosted efficiency.

“Lisa has a great deal of experience in this area, so it’s well worth listening to what she has to say.”

Find the Edge is a business website that gives leaders access to a free collection of articles, videos and interviews.

5 Popular Fitness Activities That Can Surprisingly Do More Harm To Your Back than Good

Seattle, WA (PRWEB) February 27, 2012

There are always inherent dangers when starting new physical activities, and Belltown Spine & Wellness Center, featuring Seattle chiropractic services, urges learning proper techniques to avoid serious back injuries. As fitness trends become more popular, many people decide to incorporate different activities into their routine, experimenting with fun new ways to get and stay in shape.

It is important for anyone beginning new activities, even if they are not new to fitness, to realize there is always a learning curve. Starting out in moderation and seeking quality instruction are keys to reaping the benefits from these five popular fitness activities without ending up at the chiropractor.

1. Running

For the fitness novice, running is a natural place to start. You can go at your own pace and need very little to begin, aside from a good pair of running shoes. Shoes are not always easy to find and are best selected when taking the individuals style into account. As a beginner, you can be sure this will change as your technique improves. With improper technique back problems can arise. There are many books and online resources to help you hone your stride, so moderation at the beginning is vital.

2. Yoga

Originating in India, Yoga can improve your physical, mental and spiritual discipline and flexibility. Holding poses and controlling breathing are common activities, which require the aid of a qualified, attentive instructor to do safely. Remaining mindful of body positioning is crucial to avoiding serious back and neck injuries. Good instructors will make moderation mandatory within a thoroughly non-competitive environment.

3. Pilates

Developed by Joseph Pilates nearly a hundred years ago, Pilates remains a popular body conditioning routine that builds flexibility, strength and endurance. Strengthening the core through controlled movements, this popular fitness system is easy to adjust for beginners to experts. Still, without proper technique, focusing on careful body positioning, back problems can and will occur

4. Kettlebell

This Russian invention features a cast iron weight that resembles a cannon ball with a handle on it. By lifting and swinging in several different ways, the Kettlebell exercises incorporate the added dimension of large numbers of repetitions. This makes it a more aerobic activity than weight training, but also adds an extra element of concern for back and shoulder injuries. Proper form is very important and can be learned with the help of gym trainers or by numerous online resources and videos.

5. CrossFit

A very popular advanced strength and conditioning routine using diverse and high intensity movements, Crossfit is definitely not for the fitness novice. Its a good idea to attend an affiliated gym that will lead you through a workout. Extreme focus must be maintained throughout the ten to twenty minute routine to ensure proper body positioning, especially as fatigue sets in. Even though it is designed not to be repetitive, start by not maxing out in your first session to help avoid serious back problems.


Belltown Spine & Wellness uses the latest technology in spinal rehabilitation equipment. Dr. Mindel understands that all patient and conditions are unique and we do not use a cookie cutter program. A complete and specialized spinal back program will be designed specific to your needs.
